The art of play.

Friends .... my wilderness dream of being a camp counsellor is finally coming true. For real, this is high-key the marriage of some my favourite things ... playfulness, space for creativity, community > competition, and wilderness! Don't tell me there'll be dogs there too ... I just might collapse.

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CampCamp main image of a youngster wearing a cape with muscle arms up in the air.

Comin' in hot with the DeeDeets:

Deedee Morris, camp creator, is hosting a camp (think retreat but with emphasis on play) for photographers of all skill levels.

We're going to play, we're going to create, we're going to share! Come join us October 7-11th!

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A bride and groom walk hand in hand towards Milford House.

Play time.

Come play at kids camp for adults. We’ve got loads of camp games planned including canoe races, scavenger hunts, and capture the flag. For real, we're playing games!

Be a kid again at Camp Camp and play while we create. 

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A red canoe on the lakeshore, decorated with "Just Married" signage.

Creative time.

Play is integral to creating and we’re mixing both to give you the best camp experience possible. We’ve got an incredible line up of workshop hosts for you to learn from (including yours truly) and play with. Get out of your heads and back into what drew you to photography in the first place - it's FUN!

More about deedee below:


This is DeeDee


A photo of DeeDee laughing and holding a flower on her travels.

What you gotta know:

I've met a few of my favourite photographers in real life now, DeeDee being one of them, and while they say "Never meet your heroes", it couldn't be more wrong in this scenario.

Meeting DeeDee, and being photographed by her, has left me inspired and jazzed every time. She's real, talks shop but not too much because she doesn't care about the gear as much as she does the subject and the story and hey - that's what it's all about. Talking to fellow photographers can sometimes (and often does) make my eyes roll to the back in my head ... pixels, battery life and lenses and yawwwwwn ... Naw, talk to me about the real stuff - the burnout, the challenges of being a creative in today's world, but also those special moments where it's all worth it, the true stories just full of magic - share with me the moments leading up to and feelings behind the image, not the camera you used. So when DeeDee didn't waste any time opening up to us and I felt myself opening up to her just as quickly I knew she had something special.

I think DeeDee is a natural leader for workshops, retreats and Camp Camp because she gets to the heart of it with no fussing around, she's got a knack at creating spaces where you can open up, reflect and answer questions for yourself. I'm really looking forward to Camp Camp 2024 and if you're still reading and not signing up yet you've lost the plot friend - go sign up!